PKL Physical Therapy’s mission is to provide the highest level of care to our patients. Our passionate approach to Physical Therapy makes quality of care our # 1 priority. We spend quality time with our patients to ensure optimal therapeutic gains with every treatment. Decreased pain and increased ability to return to function is seen within the first few treatments.
A patient’s road to recovery should be rewarding. We provide the physical therapy that you need to improve the quality of your life. Whether in our outpatient facility or in the patient’s home, we give our patients the opportunity to reach their highest functional level possible.
While most physical therapists rely solely on hot packs, stim machines and ultrasound, PKL PT uses the three most potent and efficient ways to immediately start to resolve your pain and improve your physical abilities. It all starts with our detailed and specific evaluation which yields the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Once the treatment plan is set, we use our Treatment Trifecta to resolve pain and improve physical function.

Step 1 Myofascial Release
Most practices do not provide any hands on treatment such as myofascial release (deep tissue massage). Their massages are light and simply move skin around without any long lasting therapeutic effects. At PKL PT, we go deep into the root of most painful symptoms, which is inflamed and strained muscle tissue. A strained muscle can and will wreak havoc on your ability to perform the most simply functional activity from reaching out to the steering wheel to standing on either leg. A strained muscle will cause you to compensate leading to other muscles overworking and straining as well. You must treat a strained muscle and get rid of the inflammation and restrictions within the tissue by use of deep tissue myofascial release treatment. Our myofascial release treatment breaks up adhesions and metabolic waste which deposits in your muscles, causing pain, limiting flexibility, strength and range of motion. This immediately begins the pain relieving process on your first day of treatment.

Step 2 Targeted Stretching Routine
Most practices do not provide any hands on treatment such as myofascial release (deep tissue massage). Their massages are light and simply move skin around without any long lasting therapeutic effects. At PKL PT, we go deep into the root of most painful symptoms, which is inflamed and strained muscle tissue. A strained muscle can and will wreak havoc on your ability to perform the most simply functional activity from reaching out to the steering wheel to standing on either leg. A strained muscle will cause you to compensate leading to other muscles overworking and straining as well. You must treat a strained muscle and get rid of the inflammation and restrictions within the tissue by use of deep tissue myofascial release treatment. Our myofascial release treatment breaks up adhesions and metabolic waste which deposits in your muscles, causing pain, limiting flexibility, strength and range of motion. This immediately begins the pain relieving process on your first day of treatment.

Step 3 Specific and Detailed Strengthening Routine
Many practices out there claim that they “strengthen” their patients but when you look closer, you see patients using the same 3lbs cuff weight or 5lbs dumbbell for the entire 6-8 weeks of therapy. Weights are never increased, muscle tissue is never stressed in a positive manner to increase strength in order to increase physical ability. Remember, STRENGTH = FUNCTION, if you never continuously increase strength then you’ll never improve your physical function. Strength is behind EVERY physical activity that you perform, from buttoning your shirt to running up the stairs. At PKL, we evaluate and determine the deficiencies in your musculoskeletal system and begin a strengthening program. The program is appropriate for your level of strength, even if you’re so weak that raising your arm against the force of gravity is difficult. There’s always a starting point for strengthening, we start from where you’re comfortable and gradually build from there. There is no way to improve your strength and physical function without gradual strengthening of key muscle groups.